
Multiplier events in New York City

The second UCCRN_edu Multiplier Event “Bringing science in action: Educational resources to streamline climate-resilient urban governance, planning and Design” took place in New York hosted by the Associated Partner RAVEN A+U at the New York Institute of Technology. The structure and outputs of UCCRN_edu project were presented to maximise the involvement of UCCRN and international partners in key project results, such as the UCCRN_edu MOOC and Handbook.

Virtual Summer School: Governing climate resilient cities. Challenges, opportunities and best practices

This Course is the result of a partnership of UN Habitat and the University of Pisa. It tackles the complex issue of governing climate resilient cities, assessing in a comparative fashion best practices and solutions. The Course  targets primarily policy makers, public servants and practitioners, presenting theoretical and academic contents with a hands-on and practical approach. Specific contents within the general theme will be identified yearly and agreed upon by the organisers at every edition, based on current developments in the area.
