Virtual Summer School: Governing climate resilient cities. Challenges, opportunities and best practices

This Course is the result of a partnership of UN Habitat and the University of Pisa. It tackles the complex issue of governing climate resilient cities, assessing in a comparative fashion best practices and solutions. The Course  targets primarily policy makers, public servants and practitioners, presenting theoretical and academic contents with a hands-on and practical approach. Specific contents within the general theme will be identified yearly and agreed upon by the organisers at every edition, based on current developments in the area.

The Course aims to provide participants with analytical tools to better understand and address the governance challenges climate change produces on the urban and metropolitan dimensions. It specifically concentrates on how to best govern climate resilient cities.

Course dates: October 05 - 09, 2020

Course format: On line Microsoft Teams platform

Language: English

Who can apply:

The Course targets executives, policy makers, public servants, city managers, urban planners, emergency experts and other international staff, development workers. It will also benefit researchers and academics in the field who are interested in deepening the governance related aspects of climate change impacts on city management. A three-year university degree and/or proven and relevant professional experience in the area of the course

Registration fee: €250 (The University of Pisa will make available four scholarships (€250 each). They will be awarded upon conclusion of the admission process (September 21th))

How to apply:

Deadline for registration: September 21


  • ABBADIE Luc - Sorbonne University, UCCRN Europe Paris
  • AUBY Jean Bernard - Sciences Po Paris
  • BARRA Marc - Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme de la région Ile-de-France, Paris
  • BRANEON Christian - NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, UCCRN CARPITA Francesca - IUR Ap
  • DE CESARIS Ada Lucia - De Cesaris Law Firm, Milan
  • DELLA CANANEA Giacinto - Bocconi University, Milan
  • ESPOSITO Michael - Elementa Engineering DPC / Integral Group LLC,UCCRN
  • FIORITTO Alfredo - University of Pisa
  • IAIONE Christian - LUISS University, Roma
  • JOUSSAUME Sylvie - Climatologist at CNRS, Institute Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris Saclay
  • LEONE Mattia - Federico II University, Naples, UCCRN
  • LUNARDELLI Marco - University of Pisa
  • MARIQUE Yseult - University of Essex
  • MAYR Marcus - Climate Change - Programme Development Branch Global Solutions Division - UNHABITAT
  • PACTEAU Chantal - Life scientist at CNRS, UCCRN Europe, Paris
  • ROSENZWEIG Cynthia - UCCRN - Columbia University - New York
  • TATÌ Elisabetta - Tuscia University
  • VANDERLINDEN Jean Paul - Professor in Ecological Economics Environmental Studies, Director CEARC, University of Versailles Sanit Quentin

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October 05-09, 2020
Pisa, Italy