
 UP2030 “Urban Planning and design ready for 2030”, is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action that aims to support cities in achieving climate neutrality through socio-technical transitions. The project, Coordinated by Fraunhofer and with the participation of 46 European partners, gives great emphasis to the role of cities as active actors at the centre of the innovation approach to drive transformative change by implementing pilot action in 10 cities of Europe and Global South (Budapest, Granollers, Instanbul, Lisbon, Milan, Muenster, Rotterdam, Thessaloniki, Zagreb, Rio de Janeiro).

UP 2030 focus on innovative urban planning and design methods and tools to develop better connected, more compact, net-zero neighbourhoods in the city pilots, creating synergies to foster a vision-driven approach.

Research, actions and piloting of the projects aim to: updating policies; build capacity of city stakeholder ecosystem that shall deliver actions; developing of solution prototypes (digital and physical) at neighborhood scale; upscaling to achieve city-wide impact by shaping the enabling governance arrangements and matching project portfolios to financial resources; sharing best practices across European cities.

Inclusive participation is integrated within the whole development of the project to ensure that real needs of citizens are properly considered and reflected in the vision created for the city and that spatial justice can be a measured positive impact in the pilot cases.

UCCRN European Hub as project partner will participate to the development of city-visions contributing with the urban design and planning methodologies that couple simulation and quantitative climate and risk analysis with soft tools for stakeholder and community engagement included in the Urban Design Climate Workshop (UDCW) toolkit. The UCCRN team will support capacity building and training programmes for city stakeholders and lead dissemination and networking actions at European and Global level.

UP2030 website: http://www.up2030-he.eu